• Craniosacral therapy is the foundation of Sarah’s work - she also draws upon her extensive experience as a physio as required, and training in life coaching, massage and other hands-on healing techniques; making her work truly ‘holistic body healing’ and personally tailored to your needs.

    Sarah uses an exceptionally gentle yet extremely powerful hands-on treatment that releases restrictions held in the body from physical forces and psycho-emotional trauma. This allows the body to heal physically and emotionally so health and well-being are restored.

    You will be sent a pre-treatment questionnaire to help Sarah understand your medical history. Your first appointment will include a relaxed chat about why you have sought out body healing therapy and we will discuss any questions you may have.

  • Adults and children alike who are suffering from uncomfortable symptoms in their bodies such as headaches, muscle and joint pain, stress and tension, and injury.

  • Some people feel like everything has changed in just a couple of sessions, but since each body and its needs are unique this is not always the case. After your first session, Sarah will let you know what she thinks will be the most beneficial plan moving forward and together you can discuss your options.

  • Each adult session is approximately 75 minutes. Each child/student session is 45-60 minutes.

  • Craniosacral therapy is done fully clothed, on the therapy table, so wear comfortable clothing. If other techniques are required to progress you on your healing journey (such as massage, manual therapy or myofascial release techniques) some undressing may be required.

  • Holistic Body Healing is at Bradley Avenue, Pyes Pa in Tauranga. Our private, quiet room is warm, comfortable (we paid extra for the super soft treatment table!), and calm - all designed to set you up for an enjoyable experience. If there are any extra needs or support you have, please let Sarah know.

  • Sarah welcomes inquiries and is happy to have a no-obligation chat. If she feels you would benefit from another service she will let you know.

  • “being pampered”

  • “being nourished on the inside”

  • “complete peace and relaxation”

  • “tension melting away allowing everything to ease back into place”

  • “like a relaxing massage only better”